Step One: Directions (on device)
Note: If you are powering on a brand new TV for the first time, you may need to connect it to a network other than UTC’s for it to complete its out-of-the-box updates. Phone hotspots are common solutions, or you may need to bring the TV to us in Maclellan Gym 201 for further assistance.
From the main menu select 'Settings'
Select 'Network'
Select 'Wi-Fi'
Select 'UTC'
Alternatively, connect an ethernet cable to the back of your TV and into an open port on the wall
Locate the MAC Address (sometimes called Wi-Fi Address, Physical Address, or Internet Address). It is always 12 characters long and can contain numbers from 0-9 and letters A-F.
Step Two: Directions (on another device - computer/phone)
Visit and have your TV's MAC address ready.
Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
Select 'Media Player'
Select Device Type
Enter Wired or Wireless MAC Address
Enter your UTC ID and password
Enter your phone number
Select 'Submit'
“I do not know my MAC address”
From the main menu select "Settings"
Select "About" or "Network"
Look for the MAC address next to "Ethernet Address" for the wired network
Look for "Wi-Fi address" for the wireless connection
Alternatively, you may find the MAC address printed on the UPC label on the Apple TV box