Connect Your Microsoft Xbox 360 to the UTC Network


Connecting your device to the UTC Network is a quick and simple process, just follow the directions below.

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Directions (on device)

  1. Open ‘My Xbox
  2. Select ‘System Settings
  3. Select ‘Network Settings
  4. Select ‘Configure Network
  5. Connect the console to the UTC network
  6. Select ‘Test Xbox Live Connection
  7. Locate the device’s MAC address

Directions (on another device - computer/phone)

  1. On another device connected to the UTC network, open your preferred web browser to:
  2. Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
  3. Select 'Game Console'
  4. Enter your console’s MAC address
  5. Under the ‘UTC ID’ field, enter your UTC ID
  6. Under the ‘Password’ field, enter your UTC password
  7. Select the 'Xbox 360' from the dropdown box
  8. Select ‘Submit



“I do not know my MAC address”

  1. Open 'My Xbox' in the Xbox Dashboard
  2. Select 'System Settings'
  3. Select 'Network Settings'
  4. Select 'Configure Network'
  • Verify that IP Settings are set to 'Automatic'
  1. Select 'Advanced Settings'
  2. Select 'Alternate MAC address'
  3. Your MAC address will be under the 'Wired MAC address' field

Additional Support 

Open an IT Helpdesk request ticket.
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Contact the IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000 or visit our IT Chat Portal.

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Article ID: 131580
Fri 4/23/21 10:40 AM
Wed 3/5/25 11:14 AM