Connect Your Nintendo Switch to the UTC Network


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On the Nintendo Switch device:

  1. Open ‘System Settings
  2. Select ‘Internet
  3. Select ‘Internet Settings
  4. Select the ‘UTC’ network
  5. Select ‘Yes’ when prompted to test network connection
  6. Select ‘OK’ if prompted to save your settings
  7. Locate the console’s MAC address

On another device (computer/phone):

  1. On another device connected to the UTC network, open your preferred web browser to:
  2. Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
  3. Select 'Game Console'
  4. Under the ‘MAC address’ field, enter the console’s MAC address
  5. Under the ‘UTC ID’ field, enter your UTC ID
  6. Under the ‘Password’ field, enter your UTC password
  7. Select the device type from the dropdown box
  8. Select ‘Submit


How to find the MAC Address

  1. Open ‘System Settings
  2. Select ‘Internet
  3. Your console’s MAC address should be displayed here


Additional Support 

Open an IT Helpdesk request ticket.
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Contact the IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000 or visit our IT Chat Portal.


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Article ID: 131584
Fri 4/23/21 10:40 AM
Tue 2/18/25 2:47 PM

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