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General Instructions
Note: If you are powering on a brand new TV for the first time, you may need to connect it to a network other than UTC’s for it to complete its out-of-the-box updates. Phone hotspots are common solutions, or you may need to bring the TV to the IT Solutions Center (Maclellan Gym 201) for further assistance.
Connect the your TV to the UTC (not UTC-Secure) wireless network.
Locate the MAC Address (sometimes called Wi-Fi Address, Physical Address, or Internet Address). It is always 12 characters long and can contain numbers from 0-9 and letters A-F. It is most commonly in the Settings or Network Settings menu.
Visit on another device (phone or computer) and follow the instructions to enter the MAC address.
- Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
- Select 'Media Player'
- Select 'Device Type'
- Enter Wired or Wireless MAC Address
- Enter your UTC ID and password
- Enter your phone number
Finding the MAC Address
Common brands are listed below. If your smart device is not listed, feel free to search online for solutions or call IT Client Services at 423-425-4000.
Amazon Fire TV Stick
- Go to Settings (usually a gear icon from the main menu)
- Select “Device” or “My Fire TV” (the exact wording depends on the version of Fire Stick)
- Select “About”
- Select “Network”
- On the right side of the screen, look for “MAC Address (Wi-Fi)”
Apple TV
- From the main menu select "Settings"
- Select "About" or "Network"
- Look for the MAC address next to "Ethernet Address" for the wired network
- Look for "Wi-Fi address" for the wireless connection
- Alternatively, you may find the MAC address printed on the UPC label on the Apple TV box
Google TV
- Navigate to "Settings"
- Select "Network"
- Select "Status"
- The MAC address is listed on your screen
Hisense Android TV
- From the main menu, select "Settings"
- Select "About"
- Select "Network"
- Your MAC address will be listed under Wi-Fi MAC Address
Through the app:
- Open the smart home app on your smartphone or tablet
- Select a device from the Home screen
- Tap "Settings" in the top corner
- Tap "Device Info"
- Identify the 12-digit alphanumeric address labeled MAC
Through the physical device:
- Navigate to the Roku home screen.
- Scroll down the menu on the left side of the screen until you see settings
- Select "Settings"
- Select "Network"
- Select "About"
- The MAC Address is listed on the right side
- Alternatively, the MAC address can be located on the bottom or back of your Roku device
- Select "Settings
- Select "Network"
- Select "Wi-Fi"
- Select "New Wireless Connection"
- Push "Other Options"
- Scan for networks again, and your MAC address will display on the left
- Go to Settings
- Select “Support”
- Select “About this TV or Contact Samsung”
- You may need to scroll to find the MAC Address
Seiki Smart TV
- Select "Settings"
- Select "Setup"
- Select "Network"
- Select "IP Address"
- Both wireless and wired MAC addresses are listed on this page
- Go to Settings
- Select “Network Setup”
- Choose “Wireless Setup” and connect to the UTC network
- Select “Network Setup – Status" to find the MAC Address
Vizio Smart TV
- Press the "Menu" button on the remote
- Select "Network"
- Select "Manual Setup"
- The MAC address should appear on the screen
Additional Support
Open an IT Helpdesk request ticket.
Send an email to
Contact the IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000 or visit our IT Chat Portal.
Walk-in hardware support is available at the IT Solutions Center in Maclellan Gym, Room 201.
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