Tracking Faculty EDO Progress


Using the Submissions section of the Workflow module in Digital Measures, Department Heads, Directors, and Deans can review where EDO's are currently in a given workflow. This section also allows an individual to review an EDO from a previous year. 

Navigating to the submissions section

  1. Log-in to Digital Measures
  2. Select Workflow from the navigation bar
  3. Click Submissions

View Active Workflows

By default, the system will filter the status to "Open" which shows the workflows that are currently active. You may wish to further drill down by filtering by due date, the current step in the process, or a specific template.

View Past Workflows

  1. Remove the "Open" status filter by clicking on the X to the right of "Status: Open" at the top of the page
  2. Select the downward pointing arrow on the "Template" heading
  3. To filter out any unwanted entries, click the check box to the left of the EDO cycle you are interested in viewing.
  4. Select Apply
  5. You may filter further by leveraging any of the other headings on the page



Article ID: 136847
Thu 2/24/22 5:23 PM
Fri 2/25/22 9:32 AM