Canvas Inbox


Information on the message feature in Canvas.


The Canvas Inbox is a messaging tool used to communicate with a course, a group, an individual student, or a group of students. You can use the Inbox to communicate with others in your course. 


  • Messages sent through Canvas are not email messages. The Canvas messaging tool is a self-contained system where messages are stored inside Canvas.
  • Users display in the Inbox once they have an active enrollment in the course, and you cannot send messages in a course unless it is published.
  • Once a course has concluded, you can no longer message students in that course.

When would I use the Inbox?

Use the Inbox to:

  • Send a message to someone in your course or group
  • Send a message to yourself (displays in your Sent folder)
  • Reply to messages from others in your course
  • Filter conversations by course or type
  • View and reply to assignment submission comments

Additional resources:

How do I use the Inbox as an instructor?

How do I use the Inbox as a student?



Article ID: 147958
Tue 8/30/22 2:15 PM
Wed 9/14/22 3:07 PM