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Services or Offerings?
Request a new phone number/extension or have the telecommunications team check billing accounts for available phone numbers/extensions.

The telecommunications team can relocate the connection and phone to a new location.

The Testing Center provides UTC's students and the Chattanooga community with opportunities for admissions, college credit, and licensure/certification testing. Contact to schedule an exam.

• Estimated delivery time: 1-2 weeks

The telecommunications team provides voicemail for all of its phone services, free of charge.

Request IT Security consulting services related to University IT security policy, compliance, or System Security Plans.

Passwords are required for Account Access Service to all UTC issued accounts.

Report a security incident and request help with responding to and recovering from a significant interruption of IT services.

Have a technology you would like for us to review before you purchase? Please select this service to begin the request process. Once you submit this form, the Technology Purchasing Review Committee (TPR) will meet to discuss your responses . If they have any questions, they will follow-up with you via email. If you have any issues or questions please email