On January 6, 2025, DASH will replace IRIS in the UT system to house and streamline various business processes on campus.
This article aims to provide instructions on how to change employee percentages and hours in DASH.
Getting Started
- Navigate to the DASH home screen.

- Click on the My Client Groups tab.

- Under the Quick Actions menu on the left, scroll down to the bottom and click Show More.

- Under the Employment section, click Change Assignment.

- Click on the Search for a Person bar at the top. Select Advanced Search.

- Enter the employee’s name in the Person Name field or enter the employee’s person number in the Person Number field. Then click on the magnifying glass icon next to it to conduct the search.

- Select the employee that you are making changes for.

- For the What info do you want to manage? question, select all boxes that apply (In this example we selected all boxes). Then click Continue in the right upper corner of the page.

- Under the When and Why section, click the When does the assignment change start? field and select the effective date of change. Enter appropriate values into the other fields. Then click Continue.

- Under the Assignment section, enter the appropriate number into the Working Hours field. The FTE value will auto-populate based on the working hours entered. If you are entering the FTE value directly, please enter in the decimal format. For instance, for 25% FTE, you should enter 0.25 instead of 25 (as 25 represents 2500%). Click Continue.

- Nothing will need to be changed in the following sections. (Unless you selected additional fields to change). Click Continue for all as needed.
- Click Submit at the right upper corner of the page.