DASH Step Guide: Enter Employee Termination


Instructions on how to enter an employee termination in DASH.


Starting January 6, 2025, DASH has replaced IRIS in the UT system to house and streamline various business processes on campus.

Please note that the process of employee termination and offboarding consists of two essential steps: 1) enter employee termination information in DASH; 2) complete the UTC Employee Off-Boarding FormBoth steps must be fulfilled to ensure a smooth and efficient process. Refer to the instructions below for further details.

This article aims to provide instructions on how to enter an employee termination in DASH.

  1. Navigate to the DASH home screen.
  2. Click on the My Client Groups tab.

  1. Under the Quick Actions menu on the left, scroll down to the bottom and click Show More.

  1. Under the Employment section, click Termination.

  1. Click on the Search for a Person bar at the top. Select Advanced Search from the dropdown menu.

  1. Enter the employee’s name in the Person Name field or enter the employee’s person number in the Person Number field. Then click on the magnifying glass icon next to it to conduct the search.

  1. Locate the employee in the list of matching results. Click on the name of the employee.

  1. Under the When and Why section, fill in the required information for each field:
    • For the When is the termination notification date? field, enter the date when you were notified of the termination.
    • For the When does the termination take effect? field, enter the date that is one day after the employee's final working day.
    • For the What’s the way to terminate the employee? field, select the type of termination.
    • For the Why are you terminating XXX? field, select the appropriate action reason.

After all fields are entered, click Continue.

  1. Under the Enter Termination Info section, click on the Revoke User Access field and select when DASH access should be shut off for the employee. Select the appropriate value for the Recommended for Rehire field. Then click Continue.

  1. Add additional information under the Comments and Attachments section.

  1. Scroll back to the top of the page and click Submit. Important: After entering the termination in DASH, please also fill out the UTC Employee Off-Boarding Form to start the employee offboarding process.



Article ID: 165343
Fri 1/3/25 9:48 AM
Fri 1/10/25 9:43 AM