2025 Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program (VRIP): Position Retention Justification Form

Please submit one request form per position impacted by the VRIP program. 

Per the UT Board of Trustees approval of the Voluntary Retirement Incentive Program, the funding associated with any positions that participate will be reviewed and identified for possible restructuring or reallocation opportunities with final decisions being made by the Chancellor, Provost and Chief Business Officer. We encourage Vice Chancellors, Deans, Department Heads and Budget Managers to collaborate on strategic needs and financial efficiency when requesting retention of these funds. If there is not a request made for a position, the funding associated will be automatically reallocated at the discretion of the Chancellor, Provost and Chief Business Officer.

Through this process, funding can be requested for a variety of purposes:

  • Refilling the current position at the same amount
  • Refilling the current position at a different amount
  • Request funding for a new or different position
  • Request the funding for another reallocation purpose

All requests must be submitted by April 30, 2025 to be evaluated as part of this Position Retention Justification process.