- Open ‘System Preferences'
- Select ‘Network’
- When in your Network Settings, please disable the 'Private Wi-Fi Address' on your Apple device (More Information here).
- Connect to the ‘UTC’ network (wired or wireless)
- Open your preferred web browser to:
- Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
- Select 'Computer/Phone'
- Under the ‘UTC ID’ field, enter your UTC ID
- Under the ‘Password’ field, enter your UTC ID password
- Select ‘Download’
- After the download has completed, mount the ‘FortiNAC Persistent Agent.dmg’ file by double clicking it
- Run the ‘FortiNAC Persistent Agent.pkg’ file
- When FortiNAC prompts you for your UTC credentials, enter them.
- Once authenticated, FortiNAC will scan your computer. Allow the scan to finish.
- Once the scan is complete, FortiNAC will reconfigure the computer for network access. This process usually takes about 2 minutes.
Additional Support
Open an IT Helpdesk request ticket.
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Contact the IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000 or visit our IT Chat Portal.
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