Objectives and Yearly Curriculum Vitae Report

The objectives and yearly curriculum vitae report can be run by faculty or administrators in Digital Measures at any time. This report is identical to the one used during the yearly evaluation (EDO) workflow. While the report runs automatically during the evaluation process, faculty members may wish to view how their yearly accomplishments appear on the report. Additionally, this report can help faculty align their narratives with their proposed objectives. The report's first few pages include accomplishments from the selected start and end dates, followed by a six-year vitae. For faculty yearly evaluations, the report covers the period from January 1st to December 31st of the reporting year.

This report draws objectives from the "Past Objectives" screen, which contains frozen objective data migrated from a faculty member's "Objectives" screen. This migration takes place in April and September each year.

Running the Report

  1. Log-in to Digital Measures
  2. Select Rapid Reports at the top of the screen.
  3. From the drop down, locate and select Objectives and Yearly Curriculum Vitae
  4. Ensure the "Start Date" is set to January 01 and the "End Date" is set to December 31 of the evaluation year
  5. Click Run Report


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Responsibility: Faculty Member