Surveys, Evaluations, and Other Assessments


OPEIR can provide data from the Course Learning Evaluation (CLE), the Faculty Rating of Administrators (FRA), the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE), the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE), and other institutional surveys.

In addition, OPEIR is experienced in custom surveys and assessments and can help you design, implement, administer, and analyze your own assessments.

Please see the following resources in case your needs are already met by existing OPEIR products.

Factbook Dashboards  SACSCOC

•    Estimated delivery time: may be up to 4 weeks or more depending on workflow, priorities, and nature of request.


Request Report


Service ID: 53364
Wed 3/22/23 11:28 AM
Thu 6/6/24 11:18 AM