Recover Your UTC Account

Follow the instructions below to reset a forgotten or expired password.

To manage your account in the future, go to


  1. Open your preferred web browser to:

  2. Enter your NetID and click Continue. Your NetID is typically the same as your UTCID and can be found by searching your name in the UT Directory or by contacting the IT Helpdesk at 423-425-4000.

  3. Click the drop down menu and select your preferred form of ID. Then enter your personal information and click Continue

  4. Read the ‘Tips for Protecting Your UT Accounts’ and click Continue

  5. Using the password complexity requirements found on the page, enter and verify your new password. 

  6. Check the 'Acceptable Use Policy' box found at the bottom of the page and click Continue

  7. The following message will verify that your password has been reset.

  8. Click OK and close your browser.


Article ID: 131466
Wed 4/21/21 10:53 AM
Thu 11/2/23 6:01 PM