Connect Your Microsoft Xbox One to the UTC Network

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On the Xbox device:

  1. Press the Xbox button on your remote to open the guide

  2. Select 'Profile & System'

  3. Select 'Settings'

  4. Select 'General'

  5. Select 'Network settings'

  6. Select 'Set up wireless network'

  7. Choose 'UTC'

  8. Locate the device's MAC address

On another device (computer/phone):

  1. On a computer or phone connected to the UTC network, open your preferred web browser to:
  2. Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
  3. Select 'Game Console'
  4. Select 'Xbox One' in the drop down menu labeled 'Device Type'
  5. Type in your Xbox One's MAC address
  6. Enter your UTC ID and Password
  7. Select 'Submit'



“I do not know my MAC address”

  1. Select 'Settings'
  2. Select 'Network'
  3. Select 'Advanced Settings'
  4. The MAC address for both wired and wireless should be displayed.


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