Importing Scholarly Activity

1. Log into Digital Measures

2. Scroll down and select "Scholarly Activity Published - (e.g., refereed/non-refereed publications; edited works; cited works in peer reviewed publications; book and book chapters)" under the "Scholarship/Research" section

3. Select "Import Items" at the top right of the page

4. Select "Option A: Import a file exported from another system"

Note: Click this link for information on how to create a BibTex file

5. Select "Choose File" to open the file browsing dialog box

6. Locate and select the BibTex file (from the folder you previously created in the "Creating a Bibtex File" tutorial) you wish to upload, then click "Open"

7. Select "Continue"

*Please Note: Sometimes the name may be slightly different, therefore; you may get a message that states the names don't match, with a list of similar names. Usually the correct name will be in the list. Choose the correct name and continue.

Also, there may be other UTC collaborators on the same publication. If so, you will get a list of other UTC names. If they in fact collaborated on this publication, you can select their name as well. This will also add the publication to this collaborator's scholarly activity. 

8. Select "Finish Import"

9. Click on "Import" to confirm.