Using Citrix

What is Citrix?

Citrix is an online service that functions as a remote desktop computer. The goal of Citrix is to unify your desktops, files, and apps in a single cloud space and then allow you to access it at will from your preferred device.


Apps available

  • AutoCAD
  • AutoDesk
  • Office
  • SPSS
  • SAS


Access and setup

Prior to accessing Citrix you must have changed your password at where you may log in using your UTC credentials (your UTC ID will be the NetID). Once you have changed your password, follow these instructions: .


What you need to know

  • Files are currently only available to be uploaded through the Citrix Receiver. Files must be uploaded through the Receiver but can be accessed by the browser (lite) version.
  • The Citrix Receiver can view your local device where the lite version is not able.
  • Refer to the Citrix Troubleshooting Guide for more help.