Google Checklist for Alumni

Please follow the the checklist below to move any email and documents you need in your MocsMail+ Google account to a personal account when you graduate or leave UTC.
For more information on what happens to your UTC account after graduation or leaving UTC, visit


Review Storage 

Move Data to Another Account 

  • Option 1 for moving your data is to use the Google Takeout tool. Instructions are available at  

  • Option 2 for moving your data is to manually download files from Drive and upload them to another account or store them on your computer. We recommend storing items in something like Dropbox or a personal Gmail’s Google Drive rather than directly on your computer when possible. 

Delete unnecessary files and empty Trash 

  • To finish cleaning up your account, please send any large, unnecessary, or already moved files to the Trash. 

  • Empty the Trash folder by visiting and selecting “Empty trash” at the top right. 

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Article ID: 156439
Tue 6/27/23 11:35 PM
Tue 11/28/23 8:32 PM