Technology Purchase Review


The Technology Purchase Review Committee (TPR) provides consultation and guidance around the purchase of technology hardware, software, and services at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. This is achieved through:

  • Evaluating potential purchases for technology hardware, software and services and submitting recommendations based on
    • Reduction of duplication of existing hardware, software and services;
    • Ensuring compatibility/Integration with existing technology
    • Ensuring solution is properly supported (reduce support burden)
    • Fostering campus-wide adoption of and collaboration on new or existing hardware, software and services;
    • Taking part in cost effective system level agreements
  • Spreading awareness of existing or proposed hardware, software and services.

Composition and Assignment

The Technology Purchase Review Committee is chaired by the Associate CIO, with an associate chair appointed by Academic Affairs. The remaining committee will consist of representatives from:

  • Procurement and Contract Services
  • Finance and Administration
  • Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
  • Other divisions on an ad hoc basis depending on the nature and scope of the project or request

Current Membership (2023-2024)

  • Tony Parsley - Information Technology (Co-Chair)
  • Matt Matthews - Academic Affairs (Co-Chair)
  • Ken Guthrie - Procurement and Contract Services
  • Tonia Martin – Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
  • Allison Evans – Finance and Administration

Review Process

  • The Technology Purchase Review Committee is a standing committee that receives purchase requests at any time throughout the fiscal year. The TPR convenes as needed but will function primarily in email.
  • The committee assesses purchases against technical, budgetary and personnel dimensions of solutions against standards, specifications and guidelines.
  • Upon completion of its review by the committee, the committee will respond with its written recommendation. Possible recommendations are endorsement of the sponsor’s purchase of specific hardware or software, adoption of a solution proposed by IT, or some further action on the part of the sponsor (e.g., RFQ, RFI, RFP, or feasibility study). 

Service Expectations

For purchase requests, the committee will respond to sponsors within two weeks of receipt. If a large backlog of requests prevents a reasonable turnaround response, the co-chairs will work with sponsors to adjust expectations of time.

Where do I start?

  1. If you are not certain whether your technology purchase should go through the TPR process, please email and we will provide guidance within one business day. 
  2. Otherwise click submit request to the right to begin the process. You will be presented with a questionnaire that will gather some basic information to help the committee better understand your need. (Click here for a preview of the questions that are being asked in this questionnaire).
  3. Once you have submitted your request, the committee will review and if they have questions, they will email you directly. 
  4. Our commitment is to have a written recommendation back to you within two weeks from the time we have all the information we need for a complete review. 



Submit Request


Service ID: 51862
Fri 3/11/22 8:44 AM
Wed 3/20/24 1:12 PM