Academic Affair's Recruitment Approval Workflow


This workflow, which is housed within Dynamic Forms, provides a department head, or their designee, a path to request for new or vacant faculty or staff position to be advertised in our university's Taleo system. This workflow is Questions about concerning this process or form can be directed to 


Step 1 - Department Head or Designee

A department head or their designee fills out the requested fields on the form

Step 2 - Dean Over Area

The Dean over the department which made the request either approves or denies the request. If denied, the workflow ends and notifies the department that made the request.

Step 3 - College's Business Manager

If the request is approved, the college's business manager adds additional details to the request and submits the form.

Step 4 - Director of Budget

The Director of Budget for Academic Affairs reviews the submission and adds additional details as needed and submits the form.

Step 5 - Provost

The Provost reviews the submission and either approves or denies the request. If approved, the workflow goes to the College's Business Manager.

Step 6 - Business Manager Submits in IRIS

The College's Business Manager submits the approved material into IRIS. Once complete, they confirm it has been entered in the workflow. The requesting department and UTC Human Resources receive a summary of the workflow with instructions for next steps.


Submit Request


Service ID: 52650
Tue 10/18/22 1:02 PM
Fri 2/17/23 11:58 AM