Things to know and prepare for before DASH's Go-Live date on January 6.

Articles (11)

Pinned Article DASH Go-Live - Day 1 Checklist

A day 1 checklist with important action items and instructions to follow when DASH becomes available on January 6, 2025.

Amazon Business Access after 12/9/2024

Information for IRIS Marketplace users to access Amazon for Business between 12/9/2024 and 1/6/2025.

DASH Go-Live - 30-Day Checklist

A 30-Day Checklist for important dates and information before DASH Go-Live date of January 6.

DASH Go-Live - 60 Day Checklist

A 60 Day Checklist for important dates and information before DASH Go-Live date of January 6.

Download My HR 128 Training Records

Leading up to the DASH Go-Live on January 6, 2025, UT employees are encouraged to download and save a copy of their “My HR 128 Training History” report from the IRIS Web Portal if they would like a saved version that includes all training completion records dating before July 2017. This article outlines the steps to save historical training records that are available only in IRIS for UT employees to access.

How to Download your OID Form

As we prepare the DASH Implementation and Go-Live date of January 6, it will be important that you download and retain copies of your OID Form before December 13.

Important Accounts Payable and Travel Cutoff Dates

As we approach the DASH Implementation and Go-Live, please review the IRIS cutoff dates published on the Friends of DASH website.

Important Human Resources Cutoff Dates

Cutover is the time during which operations will cease in IRIS and resume in DASH. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the HR cutover dates.

Important Payroll-Related Tasks to Complete

This year, W-2 statements will be issued via standard U.S. mail rather than electronically due to the transition from IRIS to DASH. Please confirm your mailing address is current within IRIS no later than Dec. 3.

Instructions to Change your Address in IRIS

In preparation for DASH go-live on January 6, 2025, UT employees are encouraged to make any changes necessary to their home address in the IRIS Web Portal by December 3, 2024. All employees will receive printed 2024 W-2 forms via standard US mail. If your address is correct in IRIS, there is no need to make any changes.

Print/Download Past Online Pay Statements from IRIS

In preparation for DASH Go-Live on January 6, 2025, UT employees are encouraged to print or download the last 3-6 months of pay statements located in the IRIS Web Portal. Online pay statements prior to 2025 will not be available in DASH.