Connect Your Chromebook to the UTC Network

Special Note

If your Chromebook has an Ethernet port, it will need to be registered using the Ethernet MAC address before the Chromebook can connect to the UTC network via Ethernet.


  1. Select the network icon at the lower right corner of the screen
  2. Select the ‘UTC’ network
  3. Open your preferred web browser to:
  4. Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
  5. Select 'Computer/Phone'
  6. Under the ‘UTC ID’ field, enter your UTC ID
  7. Under the ‘Password’ field, enter your UTC ID password
  8. Select 'Register'


“I do not know my MAC address”

  1. Select the network icon at the lower right corner of the screen
  2. Select the small circular button with the ‘i’ in it
  3. Your Chromebook’s MAC address should be displayed here


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Article ID: 131575
Fri 4/23/21 10:40 AM
Fri 8/11/23 8:29 PM