Unsubscribe from a @raven.utc.edu Listserv

Special Note

Some listservs are locked and do not allow you to unsubscribe.


  1. Open your preferred web browser to: http://raven.utc.edu
  2. Under the ‘List Name’ column, find and select the listserv you wish to subscribe to
  • If you could not find the listserv you wish to subscribe to, select ‘Next’
  1. Select ‘Subscribe or Unsubscribe’
  2. Under the ‘Name’ field, enter your full name (ex. Jane Smith)
  3. Under the ‘Email Address’ field, enter your UTC email (ex. Jane-Smith@utc.edu)
  4. Select ‘Unsubscribe (listserv)’
  • Replace ‘listserv’ with the name of the Listserv you are unsubscribing from
  1. Log in to your UTC email account
  2. Open the ‘Command confirmation request’ email
  3. Select the confirmation link
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Article ID: 131613
Fri 4/23/21 11:01 AM
Wed 4/28/21 12:47 PM

Related Services / Offerings (3)

Listservs offer a method of sending and managing emails to a predetermined contact list.
Subscribe to or unsubscribe from a Raven Listserv .
Update the owner, moderator, or other aspects of a listserv that you manage.