Raven Listserv Creation

If you are simply looking for a simple bulk e-mail solution, you may not need the extra functionality (archives, subscription, etc) that LISTSERV provides. If you need a small, internal group communication list, you can request an O365 group.  An O365 group will allow you to send to a group of UTC users using a single address. To request an O365 group, call the UTC Help Desk at 423-425-4000. 


Raven is one of many ways to communicate information to your target audience. If you are intereseted in collaboration within your department or across campus organizations, Microsoft 365 Groups or Microsoft Teams might be a better option for collaboration. If you want to send targeted emails to a predetermined list of contacts, or you want to allow individuals to subscribe to future emails, listservs are a great option. Listservs offer the ability to moderate messages, so that emails or responses only go out to your recipients after you have reviewed and approved them. 

Available to

  • Faculty, Staff


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Service ID: 49782
Thu 4/22/21 9:30 AM
Wed 7/31/24 12:58 PM