Manage Duo Settings and Enrolled Devices

Tags Duo 2FA

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Special Notes:

  • You will need to know your NetID. If you are unable to sign in, check to see if your NetID is the same as your UTC ID:
    1. Log into MyMocsNet ( )
    2. Look for the Account Info widget (You may need to search for it if it's not loaded automatically)
    3. Verify your NetID
  • You will need a device capable of browsing the Internet (tablet or computer) to enroll your phone
  • If you do not have a mobile device capable of installing Duo, you can request a hardware token here.
  • Check to see if your phone is supported by duo here:


  1. Visit
  2. Log in with your NetID and password and authenticate with Duo
  • To add a device:
    1. Select ‘+ Add Another Device
    2. Follow the Duo setup steps
  • To remove a device:
    1. Select ‘Device Options
    2. Select the red trash can icon
    3. Select ‘Remove
  • To restore access to a registered number:
    1. Select ‘Device Options
    2. Select ‘Reactivate Duo Mobile
    3. Follow the Duo setup steps

Additional Support 

Open an IT Helpdesk request ticket.
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Contact the IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000 or visit our IT Chat Portal.


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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Request assistance with configuring your account for two-factor authentication (Duo Mobile) or activating a new device