How to Find Your Device's Service Tag or Serial Number

This article provides direction to faculty/staff on to find the service tag or serial number on a Windows or Mac machine.

Knowing how to find your Service Tag or Serial Number is the key for IT to provide support. Quickly locating this information ensures you receive efficient, personalized assistance from our Informational Technology team.

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How to Find the Service Tag on Your Windows Machine

The Service Tag (ST) is a 7-character randomized code of both letters and numbers. Here are the two best ways to find the Service Tag on a Windows Machine. 

Locating the Sticker on the Bottom of Your Laptop

The Service Tag may appear as "SVC Tag" or "ST," These abbreviations may vary, but they all refer to the same identifier. To locate them on your laptop, follow these steps:

  1. Power off your laptop and disconnect it from any power source.
  2. Gently turn your laptop over to access the bottom cover.
  3. Look for the Service Tag (ST), which may be printed on a sticker or etched directly onto the surface.

Example shown below:

Using Command Prompt to Find the Service Tag

  1. Open the Start menu and search for Command Prompt.

  2. In the window that opens, type "wmic bios get serialnumber" and press Enter.

  3. Your Service Tag will be shown under "SerialNumber."

Example shown below:

How to Find the Service Tag on Your MacBook Machine

The Serial Number (SN) is a sequence of 11 or 12 letters and numbers. Here are the two best ways to find the serial number on a Mac Machine. 

Using the Systems Information app:

  1. Click the Apple menu in the top-left corner of your screen.
  2. Select About This Mac to see your Mac’s details.
  3. You can also use the System Information app for more details.

Example shown below:

Locating the sticker on the bottom of the MacBook

  1. Look for the serial number printed on the bottom of your Mac near the regulatory markings.
  2. Check the original packaging the serial number is next to the barcode label.

Example shown below:

What Not to Look for

Some University devices have what we call Blue Tags. These are inventory tags are used by procurement to track departmental inventory, they are for items that are originally valued over $1500, and should not be removed from any device. However, it's important to note that a Blue Tag is not the same as a service tag or serial number. If you come across a Blue Tag (or green tag) like the one shown earlier, please remember that this is not the number you need to reference or provide.

Example shown below:

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