Connect Your Windows Computer to the UTC Network

If you are being asked to re-register your device every 24-48 hours or every time you connect to the UTC Wifi, please click here for instructions on turning off the randomized MAC address for your device.


  1. Connect to the ‘UTC’ network (wired or wireless)
  2. Open your preferred web browser to:
  3. Select 'Yes' if you are a UTC student, faculty, staff, or affiliate
  4. Select 'Computer/Phone'
  5. Under the ‘UTC ID’ field, enter your UTC ID
  6. Under the ‘Password’ field, enter your UTC ID password
  7. Select ‘Download
  8. After the download has completed, run the setup file to install the FortiNAC agent
  9. When FortiNAC prompts you for your UTC credentials, enter them
  10. Once authenticated, FortiNAC will scan your computer. Allow the scan to finish.
  11. Once the scan is complete, FortiNAC will reconfigure the computer for network access. This process usually takes about 2 minutes.

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Open an IT Helpdesk request ticket.
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Related Services / Offerings (3)

Request assistance with connecting a new device to the campus network.
Request assistance with connecting a new device to the campus network.
Request assistance or report problems with connecting to the campus wireless network (UTC-Secure, UTC, Eduroam) or campus wired network.