** Note that only some content can be moved using Option 1.**
Process Details:
Log into https://takeout.google.com with your UTCID@mocs.utc.edu email address, then if prompted enter your UTC ID and UTC password
Select what types of data you wish to keep and have exported. Drive, Mail, and Photos are the common types.
Choose your Destination for where the files will be exported to
“Send download link via email” sends the files as compressed folders
“Add to Drive” sends the files to a different, non-UTC Google Drive (please note, free Gmail accounts are only allocated 15GB of space)
“Add to Dropbox” sends the files to a Dropbox account (you will need to log in with your Dropbox credentials to connect to the right account)
“Add to OneDrive” sends the files to a Microsoft account’s OneDrive (you will need to log in with your non-UTC Microsoft account credentials to connect to the right account)
“Add to Box” sends the files to a Box account (you will need to log in with your Box credentials to connect to the right account)
Select your Frequency (we recommend only exporting once)
Select your File Type
.zip files can be opened on nearly any computer
.tgz files are generally used for UNIX and Linux operating systems
Select your File Size
This is the maximum size for each “chunk” of data, if the overall data amount is larger than the selected file size then the exporter will split it up into multiple exports of the same size
Export your files
If you linked accounts to a different service (such as Dropbox or OneDrive) you will be prompted to sign into that account
The export will begin as soon as you finish signing into the separate account
The export can take a long time, up to a few days depending on the size of your data