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- Services
- Software & Applications
- General Software
Lab software maintenance is conducted each summer. With any software requests, time is required to allow for testing any prerequisites, packaging, deploying software, and end-user testing. Lab software requests submitted after the following dates may not be fulfilled until the next maintenance cycle.
Fall semester requests for to add or remove software or version updates are due by June 1st.
Spring semester requests for NEW software are due by October 15th. Version updates and software removals are only applied during the summer. New software requests for Spring should only occur due to last minute changes in course offerings or instructors.
Use this form to request software for classroom computer lab installation only. Once the software has been installed, plan to test that it works at least 2 weeks before the first day of class.
To view a list of software that is already installed in each lab, please go to
- Services
- Software & Applications
- General Software
Request assistance with installing and troubleshooting software.
- Services
- WiFi & Network
Add a new network data port to an office or other campus location.