Open your preferred web browser to:
Tap the Apple App Store button to open the app store to the GlobalProtect app
Install the GlobalProtect app
Once the GlobalProtect app is installed, open the app
In the field that asks for the portal address, enter
Tap 'Connect'
When prompted to install VPN configurations, tap 'Allow'
When prompted for username and password, enter your UTCID and password
NOTE: If you receive a Netops "Stale Request" error restart your device or wait a few minutes and try again.
After successful login, you will be presented with Duo two-factor authentication which by default sends a push notification to your Duo mobile app.
NOTE: If you would like to use a passcode click "Other Options". From there you can select "Duo Mobile Passcode" or "Bypass code".
After completing the two-factor authentication, you will be connected to the VPN.
Open the GlobalProtect app
NOTE: If you would like to use a passcode, click "Other Options". From there you can select "Duo Mobile Passcode" or "Bypass code".
Tap 'Disconnect'
Open an IT Helpdesk request ticket. Send an email to Contact the IT Help Desk at 423-425-4000 or visit our IT Chat Portal.
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