Software for Employees

Employees seeking to obtain a Adobe Creative Cloud named license should fill out an approval request form. To learn more about eligibility or how to install Adobe products, click here.
Employees seeking licenses for other special software may submit a Software Request for access.

Select software is available for installation on personally owned computers from UTK’s software distribution website. Examples of available software are MATLAB, SPSS, SAS and EndNote. Download instructions can be found here.

All other software currently available to Faculty and Staff for download and installation on a UTC-issued computer may be found using the following steps (the software displayed changes regularly as new software is approved and licensed for distribution).

Windows Computers (Microsoft Software Center)

  1. Click the Windows Start Menu.
  2. Scroll down your list of programs to find Microsoft System Center and mouse over/click it to display Microsoft Software Center within to select it.

  3. Select the application desired from the list displayed and click the Install button to begin the download and installation.

Mac OS Computers (Self-Service)

  1. To navigate to the Self-Service application, first open Finder, locate Macintosh HD and open the Applications folder.

  2. Scrolling down to the bottom, locate the Self-Service application and double-click on the program to open it.

  3. Select the application desired from the list displayed and click the Install button to begin the download and installation.

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Article ID: 154227
Tue 3/7/23 3:46 PM
Tue 4/18/23 1:26 PM