My Recently Visited Services
Report if you suspect your account or UTC-issued device has been compromised
Submit a request if you need to sponsor Internet access for a guest
Request assistance with your NetID, UTCID, Primary Email, or Microsoft Username
Request assistance or report problems with connecting to the campus wireless network (UTC-Secure, UTC, Eduroam) or campus wired network.
The digital signage system is used throughout UTC to provide targeted messages with customized content directly at a particular audience.
Request assistance with your mobile credentials for your MocsCard
Request an addition, change, or removal of a DNS record or DHCP Reservation
Request assistance or report problems with the VPN. Request VPN account Elevation.
Request assistance with connecting a new device to the campus network.
Request installation of a door access card reader. Please submit a Request for consultation to receive a quote for labor and installation. This request form is only for the approval of the work.
Please submit a general inquiry if you are unsure of what you need.
Logos and electronic letterhead for your college, department or unit.
Requests related to Campus Weekly Newsletter.