My Recently Visited Services

Request a story to be published in the UTC Newsroom.

Report if you suspect your account or UTC-issued device has been compromised

Report a suspect phishing or spam email.

Submit a request if you need to sponsor Internet access for a guest

Have a question, need a quick answer

Create a sponsored account for your department.

Request assistance with your NetID, UTCID, Primary Email, or Microsoft Username

Request assistance or report problems with connecting to the campus wireless network (UTC-Secure, UTC, Eduroam) or campus wired network.

The digital signage system is used throughout UTC to provide targeted messages with customized content directly at a particular audience.

Create forms that can produce PDF's with digital signatures.

Request assistance with installing and troubleshooting software.

Request assistance with your mobile credentials for your MocsCard

Request an addition, change, or removal of a DNS record or DHCP Reservation

Request assistance or report problems with the VPN. Request VPN account Elevation.

Request social media support or to promote content.

Request assistance with connecting a new device to the campus network.

Request installation of a door access card reader. Please submit a Request for consultation to receive a quote for labor and installation. This request form is only for the approval of the work.

Please submit a general inquiry if you are unsure of what you need.

Request campus-related video creation.

Request for university-related graphic creations.

Logos and electronic letterhead for your college, department or unit.

Requests related to Campus Weekly Newsletter.